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  • Writer's pictureBrian Labbe

Adapt or Die!

They say the two things in life that are guaranteed are death & taxes, but I would say there's a third one: CHANGE. In life you're always going to have changes, whether it's a new location for a job, starting a family, or plans not going your way and you have to change your plans. Sometimes you cannot control the changes in your life, but you do have the ability to respond and adapt to those changes, and if you don't you won't succeed.

A great example of adapting to change is when I became a father. My entire life I was never a morning person. If I didn't get my 8 - 9 hours of sleep a night or someone woke me up early for some reason, I would be a grumpy bear the whole day. For some stupid reason, I thought my sleep schedule would stay the same when we had our first child, and I would still get 8 - 9 hours of sleep a night. Boy was I wrong! In the beginning, I thought there was no way I could be a functional adult with this new "Dad Sleeping Schedule" I was on. As time went on though, I adapted to this change in my life and adjusted to the fact that my children now have control over how many hours of sleep I get a night, and each day I still need to wake up and be the best Dad that I can be for my kids, regardless of how tired I might be. With accepting this change in my life and having a positive response to it, I am proud to say that I am still a functional adult. (For the most part).

Now how does this play into my "Big Cat Training" journey? If you read my first blog post, you'll know that after my first track season of implementing my speed program, we saw great success, but I knew it was bittersweet because I was moving on to coach and teach at a new school. At this new school, I knew I was not going to be coaching sprints in Track anymore, but I didn't want to lose all the momentum I had created with my Big Cat Coaching Program. So how was I going to adapt my speed program with this big CHANGE? This is where Les Spellman comes into the journey. While I was researching Tony Holler's Feed the Cats program, I stumbled across a podcast that he did with Les Spellman back in 2023. After listening to these two Speed Geniuses, I immediately took Les Spellman's Speed Pillars Course (Highly Recommend this course to all coaches - A LINK TO THE COURSE IS BELOW) and realized that I could adapt my speed training program for all sports, not just Track & Field. So I revamped the logo, changed the name to "BIG CAT TRAINING", and took the next year to create My First Speed Program with the guidance of Les & Tony's courses. A program that will help ALL athletes with their SPEED.

This year of change was difficult to keep the Big Cat Training journey going but with the help of my family, the support of the coaches I work with, and the hard work of our athletes. Big Cat Training is going strong and we're taking the next steps to Revolutionizing Speed Training in the Big Sky Country.

Les Spellman's Pillars of Speed Course:

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